Телема, Философија

The Voice of the Dove

“Language was made for men to eat and drink, make love, do barter, die.
The wealth of a language consists in its Abstracts;
the poorest tongues have wealth of Concretes.

Therefore have Adepts praised silence;
at least it does not mislead as speech does.
Also, Speech is a symptom of Thought.

Yet, silence is but the negative side of Truth;
the positive side is beyond even silence.
Nevertheless, One True God crieth hriliu!”
– The Hawk & the Blindworm, Book of Lies, A.Crowley

Collection of thoughts by Fra. E.

„The Voice of the Dove.

H R I L I U : there is nothing too small, or too great, or too low, or too high; but all things are joined into Joy by the Love of the Master.“
– The Heart of the Master, originally published by the O.T.O. in London, 1938

IAO131 blog – iao131.com

If you look in your Liber 777 in column CLXXXVII there are given some magical formulas connected with the different sephirot and with the paths on the Tree of Life. But if you look at the end of the book there are commentaries about this magical formulas. You will discover that there are some „strange“ formulas added to the every sephirot.

The Heart of the Master is interesting book where you can find valuable things about the Tree of Life. One can find even more.

We can find this Necah (seventh Sephirot on the Tree of Life, attributed to Venus) magickal formulae in the text of Liber XV, when Priest and Priestess work together:


(This is my Seed. The Father is the Son through the Holy Spirit.)

He replaces the left-hand part of the Host. The PRIESTESS extends the Lance-point with her left hand to receive the particle. The PRIEST clasps the Cup in his left hand. Together they depress the Lance-point in the Cup.


The PRIEST takes the Lance. The PRIESTESS covers the Cup. The PRIEST genuflects, rises, bows, joins hands. He strikes his breast.

The PRIEST: O Lion and O Serpent that destroy the destroyer, be mighty among us. “ etc etc
— Liber XV, Gnostic Mass of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

If you are asking yourself: what Liber XV have to do with this formula HRILIU, you should remind yourself that Gnostic Mass was written by Crowley for O.T.O. and E.G.C. in 1913, and Liber XV  is one of the official rituals, more specifically the central ritual, of Ordo Templi Orientis.

As we know E.G.C. or Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church, is the ecclesiastical arm of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.).

For Liber XV Crowley wrote:
„I resolved that my Ritual should celebrate the sublimity of the operation of universal forces without introducing disputable metaphysical theories.
I would neither make nor imply any statement about nature which would not be endorsed by the most materialistic man of science.
On the surface this may sound difficult; but in practice I found it perfectly simple to combine the most rigidly rational conceptions of phenomena with the most exalted and enthusiastic celebration of their sublimity“
— The Confessions, by A. Crowley