Поезија, Постери, Телема, Философија

No Matter What

"All moral codes are worthless in themselves; yet in every new code there is hope. Provided always that the code is not changed because it is too hard, but because if is fulfilled. .... The new Christ, like the old, it the friend of publicans and sinners; because his nature is ascetic." - Book of… Continue reading No Matter What

Постери, Телема, Философија

The First Discipline of Education

I had already learnt that even the finest mind is bound to perish if it suffers the infection of journalism. It is not merely that one defiles the mind by inflicting upon it slipshod and inaccurate English, shallow, commonplace, vulgar, hasty and prejudiced thought, and deliberate dissipation.

Магика, Поезија, Постери, Телема, Философија

Ти си Ѕвеза, Ти си Волја…

„Зашто тој секогаш е сонце, а таа луна. Но за него е крилестиот таен плам, а за неа надвиената ѕвездена светлина.“- Книга на Законот, I:16 Ѕвезда и Волја „Не плаши се воопшто; не плаши се ни од луѓе ни од Судбини, ни од богови, ниту од што било. Не плаши се од парите, ни од… Continue reading Ти си Ѕвеза, Ти си Волја…

Јога, Постери, Телема, Философија

Waves on the boundless ocean…

"The reason of the harmony between thought and matter is that they are two sides of one thing, call it "x", which divides itself into the internal and the external."
- Inspired Talks, Vivekananda

Алхемија, Магика, Постери, Ритуали, Тарот, Телема, Философија

Four Powers of the Sphinx

" Thou canst by no means interpret the Sphinx in Terms of the Formula of the Slain God. .... But the Light of the New Aeon revealeth this Sphinx as the true Symbol of this our Holy Art of Magick under the Law of Thelema. In Her is the equal Development and Disposition of the… Continue reading Four Powers of the Sphinx

Кабала, Постери, Философија

Osiris – a Black god

"The Ancient of ancients exists within the Microprosopopeia, light is hidden within shadow, the large is figured in the small: everything is in supreme unity. It is here that all has been, is and will be. Supreme unity will not change, has not changed, does not change. It has no forms, but conforms to our… Continue reading Osiris – a Black god