Магика, Ритуали, Телема, Философија

Journey to Duat, the “Starry Abode”

The content delves into the afterlife journey in ancient Egyptian mythology, featuring a video and images related to the Duat. It also provides historical information about Thutmose III and references important deities of ancient Egypt. The addition of further context about the Duat and its significance would enhance the reader's understanding. Additionally, the inclusion of a brief explanation or translation for the non-English text at the end of the content would benefit a wider audience.

Јога, Магика, Телема, Философија

Your work is your responsibility…

.... the action one has done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results. If I do an evil action, I must suffer for it; there is no power in this universe to stop or stay it. Similarly, if I do a good action, there is no power in the universe which can stop its bearing good results.

Магика, Поезија, Телема

The Pentagram – Aleister Crowley

[Dedicated to George Raffalovich] In the Years of the Primal Course, in the dawn of terrestrial birth, Man mastered the mammoth and horse, and Man was the Lord of the Earth. He made him an hollow skin from the heart of an holy tree, He compassed the earth therein, and Man was the Lord of… Continue reading The Pentagram – Aleister Crowley

Магика, Поезија, Постери, Телема, Философија

Ти си Ѕвеза, Ти си Волја…

„Зашто тој секогаш е сонце, а таа луна. Но за него е крилестиот таен плам, а за неа надвиената ѕвездена светлина.“- Книга на Законот, I:16 Ѕвезда и Волја „Не плаши се воопшто; не плаши се ни од луѓе ни од Судбини, ни од богови, ниту од што било. Не плаши се од парите, ни од… Continue reading Ти си Ѕвеза, Ти си Волја…

Алхемија, Магика, Постери, Ритуали, Тарот, Телема, Философија

Four Powers of the Sphinx

" Thou canst by no means interpret the Sphinx in Terms of the Formula of the Slain God. .... But the Light of the New Aeon revealeth this Sphinx as the true Symbol of this our Holy Art of Magick under the Law of Thelema. In Her is the equal Development and Disposition of the… Continue reading Four Powers of the Sphinx