Магика, Ритуали, Телема, Философија

Journey to Duat, the “Starry Abode”

The content delves into the afterlife journey in ancient Egyptian mythology, featuring a video and images related to the Duat. It also provides historical information about Thutmose III and references important deities of ancient Egypt. The addition of further context about the Duat and its significance would enhance the reader's understanding. Additionally, the inclusion of a brief explanation or translation for the non-English text at the end of the content would benefit a wider audience.

Кабала, Магика, Телема, Философија

The Heart of the Master – Excerpt

It is not given to flesh and blood, till they be seven times purged, purged through and through, to dwell in the sanctuary of the Heart of the Master.
My fervour is exhausted; my faith fails; I fall from the rapture of passion that pours through the abyss of space.
All things feel It; all things live by It; yet nothing that knows itself knows It as It is.

Алхемија, Кабала, Поезија, Тарот, Телема, Философија


My name is Lola, because I am the Key of Delights, and the other children in my dream call me Lola Daydream. When I am awake, you see, I know that I am dreaming, so that they must be very silly children, don't you think? There are people in the dream, too, who are quite… Continue reading The Wake World – THE INVOCATION OF THE RING

Телема, Философија

Liber Porta Lucis sub figurâ X

Оваа книга е опис на праќањето на Мајсторот од A∴ A∴ и објаснување на неговата мисија.
Porta Lucis, Портата на Светлина, е едно од имињата на Малкут, чиј број е X.

Алхемија, Кабала, Магика, Ритуали, Телема, Философија

ח-Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni sub figurâ CLVI

... те задолжив да дојдеш кон мене на Почетокот; бидејќи само ако направиш еден чекор на овој Пат, ти мораш да пристигнеш неминовно на крајот секако.
Овој Пат е над Животот и Смртта; исто така е и над Љубовта; но тоа ти не го знаеш, бидејќи не познаваш Љубов.

Поезија, Телема

The Initiation – Aleister Crowley

From all the caverns of the hollow sea, And all the fortresses that guard the air, And all the fearful palaces of fire, And all the earth’s dwarf-ridden secrecy, They come, they gather, and they ride, to bear Destruction and disorder and desire ; They cling to him who braves the gale of night, And mock his might.

Магика, Поезија, Телема

The Pentagram – Aleister Crowley

[Dedicated to George Raffalovich] In the Years of the Primal Course, in the dawn of terrestrial birth, Man mastered the mammoth and horse, and Man was the Lord of the Earth. He made him an hollow skin from the heart of an holy tree, He compassed the earth therein, and Man was the Lord of… Continue reading The Pentagram – Aleister Crowley