Поезија, Тарот, Телема, Философија

Priestess of the Silver Star, Asi the Curved One

"I invoke the priestess of the Silver Star, Asi the Curved One, by the ritual of Silence.I make open the gate of Bliss; I descend from the Palace of the Stars; I greet you, I embrace you, O children of Earth, that are gathered together in the Hall of Darkness."- Liber Israfel svb figura LXIV,… Continue reading Priestess of the Silver Star, Asi the Curved One

Астрологија, Кабала, Постери, Телема

Liber LXV – The Snake and the Goat

"I am the Heart; and the Snake is entwined About the invisible core of the mind. Rise, O my snake! It is now is the hour Of the hooded and holy ineffable flower. Rise, O my snake, into brilliance of bloom On the corpse of Osiris afloat in the tomb!" - Liber LXV, I:1, A.'.A.'.… Continue reading Liber LXV – The Snake and the Goat

Алхемија, Кабала, Магика, Постери, Ритуали, Тарот, Телема, Философија

Thunderbolt, and a Pylon, and a Snake, and a Phallus..

Прави што ти е волја и тоа нека биде целиот Закон "Then there was another passage which was really too secret for anything; all I shall tell you is, there was the most beautiful Goddess that ever was, and she was washing herself in a river of dew. If you ask what she is doing,… Continue reading Thunderbolt, and a Pylon, and a Snake, and a Phallus..

Телема, Философија

The Letter Vav, the Beast, the Hierophant…

„What is the letter Vav? He said: There is an upper Heh and a lower Heh. They said to him: But what is Vav? He said: The world was sealed with six directions. They said: Is not Vav a single letter? He replied: It is written(Psalm 104:2), "He wraps Himself in light as a garment,… Continue reading The Letter Vav, the Beast, the Hierophant…

Јога, Алхемија, Астрологија, Кабала, Магика, Постери, Ритуали, Тарот, Телема

The Song of Horus

I am light, and I am night, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am speech, and I am silence, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am life, and I am death, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am war, and I am peace, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am weakness, and I am strength, and I am that which is beyond them.
Yet by none of these can man reach up to me.
Yet by each of them must man reach up to me.

Тарот, Телема

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